Convegno per i docenti di Inglese del I e II grado

Presente su piattaforma ministeriale S.O.F.I.A. con ID 97792. Come iscriverti su S.O.F.I.A.

Esonero Ministeriale concesso. Deascuola è un Ente Formatore accreditato per la formazione del personale della Scuola ai sensi della Direttiva Ministeriale n. 90/2003-Prot. n. A00DGPER.6979. Al termine dell'incontro verrà rilasciato l'attestato di partecipazione.

Una mattinata di formazione con esperti internazionali dove parleremo di benessere in classe, neuroscienze e apprendimento linguistico, AI nella didattica della lingua inglese e strategie efficaci per rendere l’insegnamento dell’inglese ancora più stimolante e coinvolgente.


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Docenti di Inglese della scuola Secondaria di Primo e Secondo Grado


8:30 - 9:00

Accoglienza e registrazione

9:00 - 9:10

Saluti istituzionali e introduzione

9:10 - 9:40

Il Benessere a Scuola: Un Approccio Integrato per Studenti e Insegnanti
Valentina Tobia

Professoressa associata in Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione presso l’Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele. Si occupa principalmente di ricerca nell’ambito delle difficoltà d’apprendimento, di benessere scolastico e dell’interazione tra aspetti cognitivi ed emotivi/relazionali.

La scuola gioca un ruolo centrale nelle giornate degli studenti, influenzandoli non solo dal punto di vista educativo, ma anche relazionale ed emotivo. Il benessere degli studenti è fondamentale per garantire un corretto comportamento in classe, concentrazione, apprendimento e raggiungimento degli obiettivi didattici. Negli ultimi anni, la crescente preoccupazione per la salute mentale di preadolescenti e adolescenti ha sollecitato un maggiore impegno da parte di scuole, famiglie e professionisti. Allo stesso tempo, il benessere degli insegnanti è altrettanto cruciale, poiché il loro equilibrio emotivo e professionale ha un impatto diretto sull’ambiente scolastico e sulla qualità dell'insegnamento. Riconoscere il benessere o il disagio degli studenti e degli insegnanti, e di conseguenza adottare strategie per promuovere un clima positivo e supportivo in classe rappresenta una risorsa indispensabile per migliorare l’esperienza scolastica e favorire il successo educativo di tutti i membri della comunità scolastica.

9:40 - 10:40

The neural basis of second language learning
Jubin Abutalebi

Cognitive neurologist and Associate Professor of Neuropsychology at the Faculty of Psychology and director of Centre for Neurolinguistics and Psycholinguistics (CNPL), University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy. He is worldwide known for his landmark research on the cerebral organization of bilingualism, and in particular how the human brain acquires, accommodates and controls multiple languages in order to become a perfect second language speaker.

Bilingualism, the ability to use two or more languages, is a dynamic process that reshapes the brain through complex interactions among linguistic, cognitive, and neural systems. These regions, crucial for both language processing and executive control, undergo changes as the brain adapts to manage multiple languages. Factors like age of acquisition, language proficiency, and immersion influence the activation patterns in these areas, demonstrating how the brain fine-tunes its networks. Immersion-based learning, where learners are immersed in real-life linguistic environments, accelerates the development of neural pathways that support language proficiency, engaging both language-specific and cognitive control networks. These findings highlight the importance of creating immersive, interactive learning environments for language acquisition, and emphasize the broader cognitive benefits of bilingualism, including enhanced attention, problem-solving, and mental flexibility. The presentation will further explore the neural mechanisms underlying bilingualism and offer practical insights for educators and teachers.

10:40 - 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 - 12:00

AI in English Language Teaching: Enhancing efficiency, engagement and pedagogy
Sophia Mavridi

Senior lecturer in educational technology and TESOL at De Montfort University, UK. She is also a teacher educator who has worked with major organisations such as the British Council, NILE, Bell Foundation, and International House. Before transitioning to teacher training, Sophia gained extensive experience as a primary and secondary school English teacher, Director of Studies, Cambridge examiner, and digital learning consultant. She draws on this extensive background to design pedagogically sound and practical training programmes that address the evolving needs of the teachers she works with.

The rise of AI has brought about both optimism for its potential and concerns about its implications for English Language Teaching. Designed to address teachers’ needs and concerns, this session will introduce practical ways to integrate AI. Focusing on efficiency, student engagement, and pedagogy, the session will demonstrate how AI can help teachers streamline lesson preparation while inspiring students with innovative activities. Participants will explore three practical AI classroom applications: AI for creating fun educational activities from YouTube videos; AI for generating podcasts from text; AI for creating interactive vocabulary games and icebreakers. By the end of the session, participants will gain practical insights and actionable strategies to make their teaching more innovative and time-efficient! The session includes step-by-step demonstrations and a digital handout for participants to revisit and implement the activities confidently in their practice.

12:00 - 12:40

From Reading to Comprehension: The Importance of Graded Reading for English
Samuel Williams

English teacher, teacher trainer and influencer (as Papi English he has 175.000 followers on Instagram and 368.000 on Tik Tok). His video contents for English language learners are popular across platforms such as Instagram, YouTube and TikTok and are used by teachers around the world. Samuel also leads a group of videomakers who create video resources that can be used alongside Black Cat graded readers.

Graded reading is an effective tool for language learners, offering a structured approach to improve vocabulary and comprehension. In this session, Samuel Williams will discuss the role of graded readers in language acquisition, showing how texts tailored to different proficiency levels help learners gradually build skills. He will highlight how graded reading fosters not only comprehension but also cultural understanding and critical thinking. Drawing from his experience, Samuel will demonstrate how immersive content, like his "CATchy English" project, enhances motivation and confidence. The session will provide educators with practical strategies to incorporate graded reading into their teaching to support students' language development.

12:40 - 13:00

Q&A e conclusione

Relatrici e relatori

Valentina Tobia

Valentina Tobia

Professoressa associata in Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione presso l’Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele. Si occupa principalmente di ricerca nell’ambito delle difficoltà d’apprendimento, di benessere scolastico e dell’interazione tra aspetti cognitivi ed emotivi/relazionali.

Jubin Abutalebi

Jubin Abutalebi

Cognitive neurologist and Associate Professor of Neuropsychology at the Faculty of Psychology and director of Centre for Neurolinguistics and Psycholinguistics (CNPL), University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy. He is worldwide known for his landmark research on the cerebral organization of bilingualism, and in particular how the human brain acquires, accommodates and controls multiple languages in order to become a perfect second language speaker.

Sophia Mavridi

Sophia Mavridi

Senior lecturer in educational technology and TESOL at De Montfort University, UK. She is also a teacher educator who has worked with major organisations such as the British Council, NILE, Bell Foundation, and International House. Before transitioning to teacher training, Sophia gained extensive experience as a primary and secondary school English teacher, Director of Studies, Cambridge examiner, and digital learning consultant. She draws on this extensive background to design pedagogically sound and practical training programmes that address the evolving needs of the teachers she works with.

Samuel Williams

Samuel Williams

English teacher, teacher trainer and influencer (as Papi English he has 175.000 followers on Instagram and 368.000 on Tik Tok). His video contents for English language learners are popular across platforms such as Instagram, YouTube and TikTok and are used by teachers around the world. Samuel also leads a group of videomakers who create video resources that can be used alongside Black Cat graded readers.

Informazioni utili

  • L'iscrizione sul sito di Deascuola è obbligatoria per partecipare al convegno.
  • Per assistenza e informazioni si prega di scrivere all'indirizzo


Per certificare la vostra partecipazione anche su piattaforma ministeriale sarà necessario effettuare iscrizione autonoma.
L'iscrizione su S.O.F.I.A. è disponibile dal 15 febbraio con ID 97792

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