Insegnare con… Think Grammar

Flexible, clear, inclusive!

A webinar about a grammar book? If that doesn’t sound exciting to you, what if we were able to show you something new, innovative, and engaging in the world of verb forms, tenses, modals and more? 

Forget whatever you thought about grammar until now and be enthralled by our brand new grammar reference and practice book for Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado, Think Grammar!

In this session we’ll demonstrate how many of our preconceptions about grammar books are now outdated. Think Grammar avoids the traps of sterile explanations and monotonous, repetitive exercises and launches Generation Z students into a varied and stimulating environment: providing them with clear, concise support materials which challenge them to broaden their knowledge. Think Grammar motivates, excites and encourages students to ask and answer their own questions. How? Come along to the webinar and find out!

During the webinar, we'll be considering these topics − and more!

  • Making grammar practice varied and motivating
  • Inclusion: keeping ALL your students involved
  • Learner training and learner independence 
  • Expanding and consolidating vocabulary and functional language
  • Preparation for B1 Preliminary, B2 First and INVALSI examinations.

Insegnare Inglese

Questo appuntamento fa parte
di un ciclo dedicato ai docenti
di Inglese della scuola
Secondaria di Primo
e Secondo grado



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Docenti della Scuola Secondaria di II grado


Karl Matthews

Karl Matthews

English Language Teaching Consultant

Indicazioni e spunti tratti da

Think Grammar

Lelio Pallini, Audrey Cowan

Black Cat