Literature gives us foresight by acting as hindsight. It weaves through distant times like a needle, stitching together a multitude of human experiences into a coherent literary garment. Our ability to reason, to think critically, and to appreciate both the complexities and simplicities of life, can be stimulated and enhanced by the inspired viewpoint of a wordsmith, who, through language and context, opens our eyes, hearts and minds to both new and familiar concepts. This context brings relevance to a story or experience, and in turn, to our own insight and experiences today.
A modern literature textbook should maximise student interest and understanding by adopting a multi-aspect approach, embracing the idea that the context of when, where and who promotes a better understanding of the concept why.
So, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, FIREWORDS!
Docenti della Scuola Secondaria di II grado
Christian Evans
English Language Teaching Consultant
Deborah Speers
Editorial Team, Deascuola English language teaching