Insegnare con... Firewords

Le parole che accendono la mente 

Literature, through the fiery words of the greatest authors, helps us to explore and analyse some of life's greatest questions, and acquire the skills required for a deeper thought process. It joins the dots on the hows, the whys and the whens of history’s biggest events.

The most important English authors gave us their “firewords” to stimulate reasoningand understanding, an appreciation of how everything in life is intertwined, and to make us fall in love with a simple turn of phrase. 

English literature goes beyond simply reading words written in the past – it uses the past to teach us about the present, and how to look at the future. The importance of words, of feelings, of reflection and interpretation, of communciation. 

Firewords holds this premise as a leitmotif.


  • Part 1: A brief explanation and walk through of Firewords, by Karl Matthews
  • Part 2: Prof. Michele Gabbanelli will talk about two specific methodologies found in Firewords; class debate and the framework MLTV (Making Learning and Thinking Visible), followed by suggestions and practical examples of Thinking Routines and debates.

Insegnare Inglese

Questo appuntamento fa parte
di un ciclo dedicato ai docenti
di Inglese della scuola
Secondaria di Primo
e Secondo grado



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Docenti della Scuola Secondaria di II grado


Michele Gabbanelli

Michele Gabbanelli

Docente di Letteratura inglese all’I.I.S. “Savoia-Benincasa” di Ancona, si occupa di ricerca nel campo dell'innovazione didattica collaborando con INDIRE, European Schoolnet e altre istituzioni.

Karl Matthews

Karl Matthews

English Language Teaching Consultant

Indicazioni e spunti tratti da


Stefano Mochi, Fausto Galuzzi, Janet Cameron, Frances Evans

Black Cat

Firewords Agile - Firewords Concise

Stefano Mochi, Fausto Galuzzi, Frances Evans, Janet Cameron, Elena Tonus

Black Cat