Looking for something that...
- engages your Generation Alpha students?
- brings the real world into your classroom?
- encourages your students to become more autonomous as learners?
- offers an interdisciplinary approach with integrated educazione civica?
- is DDI-friendly and super-inclusive with videos, games, songs, drills and strategies?
- talks about different cultures around the English-Speaking World?
- prepares your students successfully for the Terza Media and INVALSI exams?
Then join the authors to find out how our new course and you? does all this and more!

New English course for
scuola secondaria di I grado
and you?
proactive learning
Docenti della scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado

Michael Flynn
English Language Teaching Consultant

Karl Matthews
English Language Teaching Consultant

Rob Sved
Rob has been creating teaching materials for Primary and Secondary school students for over 25 years and is the author of a number of coursebooks. He is interested in the development of critical thinking and creative skills in the classroom.

Nicholas Tims
He has worked in English Language Teaching for over 25 years as a teacher, teacher trainer, publisher and coursebook author. His particular interests are motivating teenage learners, the role of technology in language teaching, and extensive reading. He is on the board of the Extensive Reading Foundation and the committee of the IATEFL Materials Writers Special Interest Group. He is also a judge for the English Speaking Union English Language Awards.