Strategies and ideas for teaching today's students

Presente su piattaforma ministeriale S.O.F.I.A. con ID 40990. Come iscriverti su S.O.F.I.A.

Esonero Ministeriale concesso. De Agostini Scuola è un Ente Formatore accreditato per la formazione del personale della Scuola ai sensi della Direttiva Ministeriale n. 90/2003-Prot. n. A00DGPER.6979. Al termine dell'incontro verrà rilasciato l'attestato di partecipazione.


A seguito dei provvedimenti presi dalle autorità competenti, al fine di prevenire il diffondersi del Coronavirus, comunichiamo che abbiamo deciso di sospendere tutte le date del ciclo di convegni iDeAdays previste dal 2 al 6 marzo 2020 nelle città di Bari, Roma, Bologna, Treviso e Milano.

A fronte di nuove disposizioni e in ragione di come evolverà l’emergenza, provvederemo a fornire a tutti gli iscritti puntuali indicazioni sulle modalità di riprogrammazione delle nostre iniziative formative.

Info utili

L'iniziativa formativa sarà pubblicata sulla piattaforma ministeriale S.O.F.I.A. una settimana prima della data dell'evento.
Pochi giorni prima del convegno riceverai una mail con l'ID dell'evento e tutte le indicazioni per iscriverti.


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Docenti di inglese della scuola Secondaria di Primo e di Secondo Grado


8:30 - 9:40


9:40 - 9:50


9:50 - 11:00

Russell Stannard

Multi award-winning Educational Technologist and founder of He received awards from the British Council ELTONS, the Times Higher and the University of Westminster for his work in the use of ICT in education  He currently works as an consultant on educational technology at Kings College University London and as an associate trainer at NILE. where he teachers on the MA programme and runs courses in blended/flipped learning. He has more than 55,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel and 11,000 subscribers on his popular newsletter.

Collaborating is at the heart of learning and many methodology books recommend it as an approach. In this talk, Russell will quickly outline some of the key findings around collaboration and learning and then highlight some key techniques and tools that can help us to get our students to collaborate in and out of the classroom. A talk full of practical ideas and tips which can be applied and used immediately.

11:00 - 11:30


11:30 - 12:40

Jamie Keddie

Teacher trainer and storyteller. He is the founder of LessonStream, and the author of ‘Images’ (2009), ‘Bringing online video into the classroom’ (2014) and ‘Videotelling: YouTube Stories for the Classroom’ (LessonStream Books, 2017). Jamie is an affiliate trainer at Norwich institute for Language Education in the UK. He also sends out a weekly story post that you can subscribe to at

Teachers are often told to keep their talk time to a minimum. After all, noisy teachers = quiet students. This is certainly true at times. But there are, of course, many situations when the teacher’s voice is either unavoidable or too valuable to silence. And what about our learners? What do they expect? In this practical session, we will consider some teacher talk techniques and activities that can be applied to a wide range of classroom practice.

12:40 - 13:40


13:40 - 14:30


14:40 - 15:30


15:30 - 15:45



First Session

Collaboration in action

Secondaria di I grado, Secondaria di II grado

In this workshop Russell with put into practice some of the ideas he outlined in his talk. The focus will be on techniques we can use in the classroom to encourage and organise collaboration as well as tools and technologies that can help collaboration outside of the class.  A fun workshop with lots of practical ideas.

Russell Stannard

Here comes Generation Alpha

Secondaria di I grado

This workshop takes a critical look at the characteristics of the emergent teens of Generation Alpha. Which of these do we, as language teachers, believe need encouragement? And how might we achieve this? And what about the less desirable characteristics? What impact do these have on our language classrooms?

Nicholas Tims

Insegnare lingue straniere ad alunni con BES-DSA

Secondaria di I grado, Secondaria di II grado

Questa/o “sessione/workshop” mira a far conoscere ed individuare l’origine delle criticità degli studenti che presentano un bisogno linguistico specifico e le conseguenze in termini di prestazione atipica e gestione dei filtri emotivi.  Tale consapevolezza permette al docente di intervenire in modo efficace e funzionale, riducendo le barriere glottodidattiche e l’ansia linguistica anche attraverso  all’utilizzo di strategie, strumenti e misure per la personalizzazione e l’inclusione, di fondamentale importanza per far emergere e valorizzare i punti di forza degli studenti con una diversa abilità di apprendimento.

Valentina Miniati

questo workshop è in lingua italiana

Teaching listening at A2 level: Basic skills and techniques

Secondaria di I grado

This session will look at the skills needed in order to listen effectively at A2 level and will demonstrate some practical activities and techniques for teachers to use in the classroom to boost students' confidence in exams and to improve their listening on a general level too.

Margaret Fowler

What’s the story? Planning lessons & activities around readers (and other stories)

Secondaria di I grado, Secondaria di II grado

The workshop explores the benefits of using story, not just for language development but also for the development of crucial 21st skills like critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and emotional intelligence. Participants will be involved in motivating and practical activities that they can easily transfer into their own classrooms.

Verissimo Toste

Second Session

Developing listening skills at B1/B2 level: Moving up the European Framework

Secondaria di II grado

This session will show how teachers can help their students progress to higher levels in their listening skills and will focus on practical activities to help them deal with typical exam listening tasks and generally develop their comprehension skills in and outside the classroom.

Margaret Fowler

Here comes Generation Alpha

Secondaria di I grado

This workshop takes a critical look at the characteristics of the emergent teens of Generation Alpha. Which of these do we, as language teachers, believe need encouragement? And how might we achieve this? And what about the less desirable characteristics? What impact do these have on our language classrooms?

Nicholas Tims

Insegnare lingue straniere ad alunni con BES-DSA

Secondaria di I grado, Secondaria di II grado

Questo workshop mira a far conoscere ed individuare l’origine delle criticità degli studenti che presentano un bisogno linguistico specifico e le conseguenze in termini di prestazione atipica e gestione dei filtri emotivi.  Tale consapevolezza permette al docente di intervenire in modo efficace e funzionale, riducendo le barriere glottodidattiche e l’ansia linguistica anche attraverso  all’utilizzo di strategie, strumenti e misure per la personalizzazione e l’inclusione, di fondamentale importanza per far emergere e valorizzare i punti di forza degli studenti con una diversa abilità di apprendimento.

Valentina Miniati

questo workshop è in lingua italiana

The curiosity factor

Secondaria di I grado, Secondaria di II grado

Human beings are insatiably inquisitive creatures. And if we want to engage our students, we first have to arouse their curiosity. In this practical session, we will explore some simple techniques that storytellers use to grab the attention of the listener, reader or viewer. We will consider how these can be applied in the classroom. You will also take away a number of original teaching ideas and activities.

Jamie Keddie

What’s the story? Planning lessons & activities around readers (and other stories)

Secondaria di I grado, Secondaria di II grado

The workshop explores the benefits of using story, not just for language development but also for the development of crucial 21st skills like critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and emotional intelligence. Participants will be involved in motivating and practical activities that they can easily transfer into their own classrooms.

Verissimo Toste


Russell Stannard

Russell Stannard

Multi award-winning Educational Technologist and founder of He received awards from the British Council ELTONS, the Times Higher and the University of Westminster for his work in the use of ICT in education  He currently works as an consultant on educational technology at Kings College University London and as an associate trainer at NILE. where he teachers on the MA programme and runs courses in blended/flipped learning. He has more than 55,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel and 11,000 subscribers on his popular newsletter.

Jamie Keddie

Jamie Keddie

Teacher trainer and storyteller. He is the founder of LessonStream, and the author of ‘Images’ (2009), ‘Bringing online video into the classroom’ (2014) and ‘Videotelling: YouTube Stories for the Classroom’ (LessonStream Books, 2017). Jamie is an affiliate trainer at Norwich institute for Language Education in the UK. He also sends out a weekly story post that you can subscribe to at

Margaret Fowler

Margaret Fowler

She has been involved in the English language testing and teaching field for many years. Having recently retired from her post developing and running the British Council exams operation in Italy, she continues to work all over the country as a freelance teacher-trainer and language testing consultant.

Valentina Miniati

Valentina Miniati

Docente di Lingua Inglese presso l'Università LUMSA, Roma. Formatrice esperta nella didattica inclusiva delle lingue straniere. Responsabile Didattico presso doposcuola e corsi Trinity specializzati per studenti con BES/DSA. Tutor didattico specializzato per studenti con BES/DSA e DA.

Nicholas Tims

Nicholas Tims

He has worked in English Language Teaching for over 25 years as a teacher, teacher trainer, publisher and coursebook author. His particular interests are motivating teenage learners, the role of technology in language teaching, and extensive reading. He is on the board of the Extensive Reading Foundation and the committee of the IATEFL Materials Writers Special Interest Group. He is also a judge for the English Speaking Union English Language Awards.

Verissimo Toste

Verissimo Toste

Veríssimo Toste is a teacher and international teacher trainer. He has a Master's Degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) from the University of Edinburgh. He is also a qualified Primary teacher for the Department for Education in the UK. He has been an EFL teacher and teacher trainer for over 35 years, teaching students from 3 to 93 years old in all levels. As a teacher trainer, he has worked in various countries around the world. Veríssimo's interests include using readers to learn English, and he is fascinated by how students learn naturally. Believing that being a teacher is the best job in the world, he enjoys talking to teachers about their experiences in the classroom.

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