Reading is a pleasure. Or at least it should be. And this is the way we have to promote it to our students. Unfortunately, that is easier said than done. So as teachers, how can we get students to read because they want to, and not because they have to? The answer is simple – engage them in the story. In this session, I would like to share three practical ideas which aim to stimulate students' curiosity and compel them to pick up that book. These will be perfect for all teachers in online and classroom teaching contexts.

Docenti della Scuola Secondaria di I grado, Scuola Secondaria di II grado

Jamie Keddie
Teacher trainer and storyteller. He is the founder of LessonStream, and the author of ‘Images’ (2009), ‘Bringing online video into the classroom’ (2014) and ‘Videotelling: YouTube Stories for the Classroom’ (LessonStream Books, 2017). Jamie is an affiliate trainer at Norwich institute for Language Education in the UK. He also sends out a weekly story post that you can subscribe to at