Getting started with... and you?

This webinar has been designed for teachers who are already familiar with the course, and you?, as well as those teachers who are using it for the first time this year.

In order to help teachers get the most from and you?, we will give a brief overview of the course and then focus on the support materials available to teachers in more detail. 

We will pay particular attention to the digital components; the course website, how to use the ebook and the other new exciting digital resources, namely DEAFLIX, creaTEST Plus and DEALINK.

Our objective is that teachers will receive practical instruction on and you?  and its support materials, enabling them to feel comfortable using all aspects of the course with their new students.


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Docenti della Scuola Secondaria di I grado


Karl Matthews

Karl Matthews

English Language Teaching Consultant

Christian Evans

Christian Evans

English Language Teaching Consultant